Virtual reality technology Development trendresearch based on analysis of Patent andindustrial chain
中文关键词: 虚拟现实 , 技术 , 产业 , 专利 , 发展态势
英文关键词: Virtual reality, technology, industry, patent, development trend
赵长伟 浙江省科技信息研究院 
苏祥荣 浙江省科技信息研究院 
杨艳娟 浙江省科技信息研究院 
胡芒谷 浙江省科技信息研究院 
摘要点击次数: 3187
全文下载次数: 3022
      作为当前的热门技术之一,虚拟现实技术以计算机技术为核心,已经在军事、制造业、建筑、 教育等许多领域实现了重要应用。在技术方面,从世界各国来看,美国一直处于绝对技术领先地位, 中国在专利和论文数量方面排名第二;从国内来看,北京、广东、上海、江苏、浙江总体研发实力领 先。在产业方面,全球虚拟现实产业已迎来了新的爆发式增长的繁荣期,国内的虚拟现实产业整体上 还相对薄弱。当前,虚拟现实技术及产业发展还存在着技术缺陷、行业标准混乱、内容缺乏价格偏高、 冲击社会伦理规范等问题,但预计今后几年将进入高速增长阶段。加强技术研发及产业化,创造良好 创业生态,尽快建立行业标准,加速培养专业人才是虚拟现实技术及产业发展的当务之急。
      As one of current hottest technologies, virtual reality technology with the core of computer technology has achieved important applications in military, manufacturing, construction, education and many other fields. In terms of technology, the United States has been at an absolute leading position froma global perspective, and China ranked second in patents and publications. The Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang lead in overall research and development strength on the domestic. In the aspect of industry, virtual reality industry in globe has ushered in a new boom while it is still relatively weak in domestic. At present, technical defects, industry standard confusion, lack of content, high price and impact of social ethics are the major problems in development of virtual reality technology and industry. However, it is expected to come into a period of rapid growth in next few years. This paper revealed that to strengthen research, development, industrialization of technology, to create a favorable entrepreneurial ecology, to establish industry standard as soon as possible, and to accelerate training professional talents are imperative in development of virtual reality technology and industry.
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