曹芳,赵艳.2006-2015 年国内环境卫生与职业卫生学 SCI 文献引文分析[J].情报工程,2016,2(4):089-095
2006-2015 年国内环境卫生与职业卫生学 SCI 文献引文分析
Citation Analysis of SCI Papers of Environmental & Occupational Health in China during 2006-2015
中文关键词: 环境卫生与职业卫生,引文分析,可视化分析,HistCite
英文关键词: Environmental & Occupational Health, citation analysis, visual analysis, HistCite
曹芳 新疆医科大学图书馆 
赵艳 新疆医科大学图书馆 
摘要点击次数: 3117
全文下载次数: 1852
      本文基于引文分析方法,对 2006 —2015 年国内学者参与发表的环境卫生与职业卫生学领域的 6995 篇 SCI 论文进行文献计量分析。 采用 HistCite 引文编年可视化分析工具,绘制引文编年图,分 析环境卫生与职业卫生学研究现状,找出该领域的重要机构、期刊和核心文献。结果本研究分析 SCI 文献 6995 篇,涉及机构 5275 家,包含作者 18571 位,分布于 162 种期刊,施引文献 173354 条,关 键词 10287 个。2006—2015 年国内环境卫生与职业卫生领域 SCI 发文量年均增长率 1.14%。 研究结果 帮助了解 2006—2015 年该学科领域的研究规律和发展趋势,识别重要的研究机构、期刊和著作,为 开展后续科研工作加以指导。
      This study applied the citation analysis to 6995 papers of environmental & occupational health in China during 2006-2015 by using the visualization software HistCite. The analyzed papers were obtained from Web of Science database. By creating "historiographs" of the selected papers, this article distinguished the different development stages of the environmental & occupational health, and presented the citation links between chronological citation networks of papers. There were 5275 institutions, 18571 authors, 162 journals, 10287 keywords and 173354 citing articles included in the analysis. The annual growth rate of paper was 1.14%. The result indicated the high production institutions, core journals, core papers and citation annalistic figures of the environmental & occupational health in China. In addition, the results provided a basis for grasping the current research front of the environmental & occupational health.
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