张惠娜,李辉,刘如,付宏,候元元,吴晨生.关于情报3.0 环境下科技情报工作的思考[J].情报工程,2017,3(5):087-093
关于情报3.0 环境下科技情报工作的思考
Thoughts on Scientific and Technical Information Work Based on Intelligence 3.0
中文关键词: 情报3.0,科技情报工作,思考
英文关键词: Intelligence 3.0, science and technology information work, thought
张惠娜 北京市科学技术情报研究所 
李辉 北京市科学技术情报研究所 
刘如 北京市科学技术情报研究所 
付宏 北京市科学技术情报研究所 
候元元 北京市科学技术情报研究所 
吴晨生 北京市科学技术情报研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2711
全文下载次数: 4903
      本文分析了情报3.0 背景下科技情报工作面临的挑战,对情报3.0 环境下的科技情报工作进行了思考。本文认为,情报3.0 环境下,科技情报工作应转变情报工作思路,更新科技情报观念、紧密围绕判读这一情报核心业务,不断优化科技情报工作流程,拓展科技情报服务范畴,大力推进技术的应用以提高科技情报生产效率与精准程度,提高情报人员情报判读能力和科技情报服务水平,促使情报3.0 环境下的科技情报工作向智能化、大众化、去领域化方向发展,实现科技情报从支撑科学研究向支持国家创新驱动发展战略这一更高的层面转变。
      This paper analyzed the challenges of intelligence work under the background of Intelligence 3.0 and proposed some reflection on scientific and technical information work based on Intelligence 3.0. This paper argued that scientific and technical information work under the background of Intelligence 3.0 must change ideas, update the information of scientific and technical concept, focus on the interpretation of information and take it as the core business of information work. Moreover, we also suggest that the scientific and technical information work should constantly optimize the work process, broaden the service areas, vigorously promote the application of technology to improve production efficiency and accuracy, promote the intelligence interpretation ability and service of the personnel, and advance the information work to intelligent, de-domain-oriented and popular. Meanwhile, it is also need to realize the transformation of function from supporting the scientific research to a higher level to support the national innovation driven strategy.
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