Analysis on the Research Progress of Smart Care for the Aged at Home and Abroad Based on Knowledge Map
中文关键词: 智慧养老;可视化分析;知识图谱;共现网络
英文关键词: Smart care for the aged; visualized analysis; knowledge map; co-occurrence analysis
基金项目:广东省软科学研究计划面上项目(2016A070705067);广州市哲学社会科学发展“ 十三五规划” 一般课题“ 互联网+ 背景下的广州市智慧养老服务模式及对策研究”(2017GZYB01)。
王丹锐 广东药科大学医药商学院 
胡海波 广东药科大学医药商学院 
摘要点击次数: 3587
全文下载次数: 8597
      当前,我国老龄化人口正在逐步增加,传统养老方式并不能很好地适应日益严峻的人口老龄化 问题。本文以近五年(2013-2017 年)国内外智慧养老的相关文献为样本进行分析并对该领域的研究进 展与态势进行述评。本文以CNKI、Web of Science 为数据来源,采用文献计量与内容分析的方法,利用CiteSpace、SATI 等软件对核心作者、载文期刊、高频关键词、高被引文献等进行可视化分析。结论表明,国内外智慧养老的研究视角不同,国外的研究聚焦于智能家居、无线传感器网络、远程医疗等技术的应用,国内聚焦于物联网、互联网、国家政策等方面的研究。
      The aging population is increasing in China, and the traditional way of elderly-supporting cannot be adapt to the increasingly serious problem of aging population. This paper analyzes the relevant literatures on Smart care for the aged at home and abroad in the past five years (2013-2017) and reviews the research progress and situation in this field. In this paper,CNKI and Web of Science are used as data sources. The methods of bibliometrics and content analysis are used with the CiteSpace, SATI and other softwares as tools to visualize the core authors, journals, high-frequency keywords, and highly cited documents concerning this field. The results show that the research perspectives of Smart care for the aged at home and abroad are different. Foreign research focuses on the application of smart home, wireless sensor network, telemedicine and other technologies, domestic research focuses on Internet of Things. Internet. national policy and so on.
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