Evaluation of Innovative Competitiveness of Six National Innovative Cities in Shandong Province—Based on Principal Component Analysis and Set Pair Analysis
中文关键词: 创新型城市;创新竞争力;主成分分析;集对分析
英文关键词: Innovative city; innovation competitiveness; principal component analysis; set pair analysis
陈静 济南市科学技术信息研究所 
岳海鸥 济南市科学技术信息研究所 
武张亮 济南市科学技术信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 3137
全文下载次数: 2189
      创新竞争力是城市在可持续发展过程中获得长久竞争优势的重要力量,对创新型城市的创新竞争力评价研究,将有助于城市的创新竞争力的提高,对建设创新型省份和创新型国家具有重要意义。本文选择以山东省6 个国家创新型城市为研究对象,建立了4 个一级指标和18 个二级指标的创新竞争力评价指标体系。首先,利用主成分分析和聚类分析,分别对6 个国家创新型城市的创新竞争力进行了分析研究,根据两种分析方法的结果,将创新型城市归为3 类:青岛、济南,创新竞争力最强;潍坊、东营、烟台,其创新竞争力一般;济宁市,创新竞争力较弱;其次,通过集对分析法计算各指标权重和综合得分,进一步分析了影响城市创新竞争力的重要因素;最后,提出了对提高创新型城市创新竞争力的建议。
      Innovative competitiveness is an important force for cities to gain long-term competitive advantage in the process of sustainable development. The evaluation of innovative competitiveness of innovative cities will contribute to the improvement of innovative competitiveness for cities, and has great significance to the construction of innovative provinces and innovative countries. This paper chooses six innovative cities in Shandong Province as the research areas, and establishes four firstlevel indicators and 18 second-level indicators of innovation competitiveness evaluation index system. Firstly, using principal component analysis and cluster analysis, the innovation competitiveness of innovative cities in six countries is analyzed and studied. According to the results of the two analysis methods, innovative cities are classified into three categories: Qingdao and Ji’nan, with the strongest innovation competitiveness. The innovative competitiveness of Weifang, Dongying and Yantai are general and Ji’ning is weak;Secondly, through the set pair analysis method to calculate the weights and comprehensive scores of each index, we further analyzed the important factors affecting the competitiveness of urban innovation. Finally,suggestions for improving the innovative competitiveness of innovative cities are put forward.
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