TikTok Content’s Ability to Express Brand Value and Consumers’ Brand Evaluation ——The Mediating Role ofPsychological Distance and the Moderating Role of Brand Style
中文关键词: 抖音;品牌营销;心理距离理论;品牌风格;消费者行为
英文关键词: TikTok; brand marketing; psychological distance theory; brand styles; consumer behavior
梁晓蓓 同济大学经济与管理学院 上海 200092 
徐杨 同济大学经济与管理学院 上海 200092 
摘要点击次数: 2389
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      [ 目的/ 意义] 抖音是重要的社交媒体营销途径,发布合适的抖音内容能有效传递品牌价值观,提升消费者品牌评价。通过抖音平台来提升品牌价值和促进销售,已经成为众多企业重要的社交媒体营销策略。本文旨在探究品牌通过抖音平台发布何种内容以及采用何种互动策略才能有效提高消费者的品牌评价,从而为品牌有效制定抖音营销策略、提升营销效果以及消费者消费理性提供重要管理启示,并丰富拓展抖音营销有效性的理论解释范畴,进一步深化推进抖音品牌营销的理论研究。[ 方法/ 过程]本文构建了抖音内容的品牌价值观表现能力影响消费者品牌评价的概念模型,并以心理距离理论为基础,对这一影响关系的内在机制和边界条件进行了系统研究。[ 结果/ 结论] 经过实验,研究发现,(1)抖音内容的品牌价值观表现能力正向影响消费者的品牌评价;(2)心理距离在抖音内容的品牌价值观表现能力对品牌评价影响的过程中起到中介作用;(3)品牌风格形象会调节抖音内容的品牌价值观表现能力对品牌评价的影响。
      [Objective/ Significance] TikTok is an important social media marketing channel. Publishing appropriate TikTok content can effectively convey brand values and enhance consumers’ brand evaluation. Enhancing brand value and promoting sales through the TikTok platform has become an important social media marketing strategy for many companies. This article aims to explore what kind of content a brand publishes through the TikTok platform and what kind of interaction strategy can be used to effectively improve consumer brand evaluation, so as to effectively formulate TikTok brand marketing strategies with enhancing the marketing effects and enlighten consumers on consumption rationality. Moreover, our conclusions not only provided a more comprehensive understanding for the effectiveness of TikTok marketing, but also did a further exploration on TikTok brand marketing. [Methods/Process]. This paper constructs a conceptual model of the influence of TikTok content’s ability to express brand values on consumer brand evaluation, and systematically studies the internal mechanism and boundary conditions of the influence relationship based on the psychological distance theory. [Results /Conclusions]. Through experimental method, the research found that (1) the expressive ability of TikTok contents on brand values can positively influence consumers’brand evaluation; (2) psychological distance plays a mediating role in the influence of TikTok contents’ ability to express brand values on brand evaluation; (3) brand style images will moderate the influence of TikTok contents’ ability to express brand values on brand evaluation.
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