The Reversal of Weibo Public Opinion from the Perspective of ‘Three Element’
中文关键词: 双向注意力机制;舆情反转;新闻传播主体;“三元”类型结构
英文关键词: BiLSTM-Attention; public opinion reversal; ‘Three Element’ type structure of news communication subject
李佩吟 1. 河北经贸大学数学与统计学学院 石家庄 050000; 
李蒙 1. 河北经贸大学数学与统计学学院 石家庄 050000; 
景义新 2. 河北经贸大学文化与传播学院 石家庄 050000 
摘要点击次数: 1764
全文下载次数: 2272
      [ 目的/ 意义] 探究影响网络舆情反转的因素能够对于网络舆情事件发展有更深层次的理解,避免或减少发生舆论反转事件,促进社会和谐。[ 方法/ 过程] 根据新闻传播主体“三元”类型结构,选取“菲妥妥- 穆修修”事件当事人、主流媒体的微博及网民评论,基于BiLSTM-Attention 模型对网民情感分类,划分舆情发展的阶段。以情感分类和关键词提取的方式对舆情发展过程中情感极性变化以及当事人回应、主流媒体及微博大V 的发声对网民情感的影响进行动态分析,再选取“三元”传播主体均发挥作用的“双黄连抑制新冠病毒”事件与“菲妥妥”事件进行对比,进一步分析当事人回应、主流媒体及微博大V 在舆情发展中的作用。[ 结果/ 结论] 由结果可知,网络舆论事件中,“三元”主体应当是平衡的,主流媒体的缺失会直接导致微博舆情反转。
      [Objective/ Significance].Exploring the factors that affect the reversal of Internet public opinion can have a deeper understanding of the development of Internet public opinion events, avoid or reduce the occurrence of public opinion reversal events, and promote social harmony. [Methods/Process]. According to the ‘Three Elements’ type structure of the main body of news communication, this paper selects the parties involved in the event of ‘Feituto-Muxiuxiu’, the Weibo of the mainstream media and the comments of the netizens. Based on BiLSTM-Attention model, this paper classifies netizens’ emotions and divides the development stages of public opinion. By means of sentiment classification and keyword extraction, this paper makes a dynamic analysis of the change of sentiment polarity in the development process of public opinion, the response of the parties, and the influence of the voice of mainstream media and influential users on Weibo on netizens’ emotion, then select the netizen comments of ‘Shuanghuanglian inhibit new coronavirus’ event and the ‘Feituto-Muxiuxiu’ event are selected to further analyze the response of the parties, the influence of the voice of mainstream media and influential users in the development of public opinion. [Results /Conclusions].From the results, we can see that in the network public opinion event, the ‘Three Element’ subject should be balanced, and the lack of mainstream media will directly lead to the reversal of Weibo public opinion.
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