Research on the citation characteristics of high impact academic Achievement knowledge——Take agricultural engineering as an example
中文关键词: 高影响力论文;成果特征;学科交叉;知识引用
英文关键词: High-impact paper; achievement characteristics; interdisciplinary; knowledge citation
基金项目:江苏省教育厅项目“基于高质量论文特征的科研创新机制研究——以 ESI 农业学科为例”(2019SJA1872)。
潘颖 1. 江苏大学图书馆 镇江 212013;2. 江苏大学科技信息研究所 镇江 212013 
沈钰淇 2. 江苏大学科技信息研究所 镇江 212013 
夏若雨 1. 西南科技大学计算机科学与技术学院 绵阳 621010; 
卢章平 1. 江苏大学图书馆 镇江 212013;2. 江苏大学科技信息研究所 镇江 212013 
刘桂锋 1. 江苏大学图书馆 镇江 212013;2. 江苏大学科技信息研究所 镇江 212013 
摘要点击次数: 1083
全文下载次数: 2750
      [目的/意义]探讨高影响力论文的知识引用特征对提升科学研究质量,产出高水平学术成果具有积极借鉴意义。[方法 / 过程 ] 本研究选取 WOS 中农业工程学科 2011—2020 十年间高、低影响力两类研究型论文的引文数据,分析其对知识在时间、学科、体量、来源质量与稳定性等方面的差异及差异稳定性。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 研究发现高影响力学术成果在知识引用上呈现以下鲜明特征:(1)关注新近研究成果,引文半衰期为 3.83 年,对 1—2 年前发表的成果引用量最多;(2)倾向跨学科知识吸收,引用的学科具有多样性,学科差异性和均衡性特征稳定。引用数量呈现较强的学科聚集性。跨学科期刊占比达到 62%;(3)偏好高质量、来源稳定的知识。WOS 收录来源期刊引用占比 90%,可回溯引用占比88%,篇均引用量超过 50 篇。
      [Objective/Significance] Mining the characteristics of knowledge citation in high-impact papers is of positive significance for improving research quality and helps to produce high-quality papers. In this study, the citation data of two types of research papers with high and low influence in agricultural engineering discipline in WOS from 2011 to 2020 are selected to analyze the differences and stability of knowledge in terms of time, discipline, volume, source quality and stability. It is found that high-impact academic achievements have the following characteristics: (1) Pay attention to recent research results. The citation half-life is 3.83 years. Articles published 1 or 2 years ago have most citations. (2) Tend to integrate different knowledge across disciplines. The cited disciplines cover a wide range. The difference and equilibrium characteristics of the cited disciplines have no obvious difference over time. The number of citations shows a strong aggregation of disciplines. Interdisciplinary journals account is 62%; (3) Prefer knowledge with high quality and stable source. Among all citations, 90% of citations are from journals included in WOS. References which are traceable account for 88%, and the average citations of highly cited papers exceed 50.
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