Risk Early Warning of Competitive Intelligence: Research Review and Framework Construction
中文关键词: 竞争情报;风险预警;危机预警;研究框架
英文关键词: Competitive intelligence; risk early warning; crisis early warning; research framework
支凤稳 1. 中国科学技术信息研究所 北京 100038;2. 河北大学管理学院 保定 071002 
郑彦宁 1. 中国科学技术信息研究所 北京 100038; 
赵梦凡 2. 河北大学管理学院 保定 071002 
马桂雪 2. 河北大学管理学院 保定 071002 
摘要点击次数: 1390
全文下载次数: 2055
      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 在梳理 2001-2021 年间相关文献的基础上,本研究旨在把握我国竞争情报 (Competitive Intelligence, CI) 风险预警的研究脉络与未来研究方向,为后续深入研究提供参考。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 借助文献调研与主题分析方法,本研究归纳 CI 风险预警的研究主题,分别是 CI 风险的概念及来源、风险预警信息收集与分析、风险预警的影响因素、风险预警体系和风险预警对策,并梳理每个主题的具体研究内容。然后,基于各主题之间的关联构建一个相对清晰的“前提 - 过程 - 结果”整合研究框架。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 我国在 CI 风险预警研究方面不断取得进展,但仍有一些重要议题,如CI 风险预警的基本理论、影响因素、CI 联盟的风险预警与管理、CI 人才,值得未来研究进一步探讨,从而更好地指导CI 风险预警的理论与实践进展。
      [Objective/Significance] On the basis of combing the relevant literatures from 2001 to 2021, this paper aims to grasp the research context and future research direction of CI risk early warning in China, and provide reference for further research.[Method/process] With the help of literature survey and subject analysis, this paper summarizes the research topics of CI risk early warning, including the concepts and sources of CI, collection and analysis of early warning information, influencing factors of risk early warning, risk early warning system and risk early warning countermeasures, and combs the specific research content of each topic. Then, a relatively clear “Premise-Process-Result” integrated research framework is constructed based on the correlation between the topics. [Results/Conclusions] China has made continuous progress in the research of CI risk early warning, but there are still some important issues, such as the basic theory of CI risk early warning, influencing factors, RISK early warning and management of CI alliance, CI talents, which are worthy of further study in the future, so as to better guide the theoretical and practical progress of CI risk early warning.
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