周成彬,刘忠宝.基于语义信息共享 Transformer 的古文机器翻译方法[J].情报工程,2022,8(6):114-127
基于语义信息共享 Transformer 的古文机器翻译方法
Machine Translation of Ancient Chinese Text Based on Transformer of Semantic Information Sharing
中文关键词: 机器翻译;Transformer 模型;BLEU;古文翻译
英文关键词: Machine translation; Transformer model; BLEU; ancient Chinese translation
周成彬 1. 中北大学软件学院 太原 030051; 
刘忠宝 1. 中北大学软件学院 太原 030051;2. 北京语言大学语言智能研究院 北京 100083;3. 泉州信息工程学院软件学院 泉州 362000 
摘要点击次数: 1365
全文下载次数: 2240
      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 中国古籍浩如烟海,承载了古人的精神和智慧,对古文进行翻译有利于继承和发扬中华传统文化。随着人工智能技术的发展,利用计算机实现古文的自动翻译具有重要意义。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 然而,目前对古文进行机器翻译的研究还比较少。因此,本文根据古文与现代文属于同一语言的特点,通过共享词表与嵌入层参数的方法,提出了基于语义信息共享的 Transformer 模型实现古文到现代文的自动翻译,使用 BLEU 作为评价指标。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 实验表明,该模型的 BLEU 值达到了 31.43,相比传统的基于 GRU 和 LSTM 的 seq2seq 模型分别提高了 26.94 和 15.19 个 BLEU 值,比基准 Transformer 模型提高了 13.41 个 BLEU 值,证明了模型的有效性。
      [Objective/Significance] Chinese ancient books are as vast as a vast ocean, carrying the spirit and wisdom of the ancients, and translating ancient texts is conducive to inheriting and carrying forward traditional Chinese culture. With the development of artificial intelligence technology, it is important to use computers to realize automatic translation of ancient texts. [Methods/Processes] However, there are still relatively few studies on machine translation of these ancient texts. Therefore, according to the characteristics that ancient texts and modern texts belong to the same language, this paper proposes a Transformer model based on semantic information sharing to realize automatic translation from ancient texts to modern texts by sharing vocabulary and embedding layer parameters, using BLEU as an evaluation index. [Results/Conclusions] Experiments show that the model achieves a BLEU value of 31.43, which is 26.94 and 15.19 BLEU values higher than the traditional GRUbased and LSTM-based seq2seq models,respectively, and 13.41 BLEU values higher than the benchmark Transformer model, so the model is effective.
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