孙美颀,赵筱媛.“技术 – 市场成熟度”视角下颠覆性技术分类与特征:基于扎根理论的多案例分析[J].情报工程,2023,9(2):003-018
“技术 – 市场成熟度”视角下颠覆性技术分类与特征:基于扎根理论的多案例分析
Classification and Characteristics of Disruptive Technologies from the Perspective of “Technology-Market Maturity”: A Multi-case Analysis Based on Grounded Theory
中文关键词: 颠覆性技术;多案例研究;技术分类;扎根理论
英文关键词: Disruptive technologies; Multi-case studies; Technical classification; Grounded theory
孙美颀 中国科学技术信息研究所 北京 100038 
赵筱媛 中国科学技术信息研究所 北京 100038 
摘要点击次数: 1730
全文下载次数: 4287
      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 为了弄清楚技术 - 市场成熟度视角下颠覆性技术的特征,从全新视角、有针对性地对颠覆性技术开展研究和管理,为政府对不同类别颠覆性技术的支持方案提出建议。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 根据技术成熟度—市场成熟度工具对颠覆性技术开展分类研究,并基于扎根理论,选取互联网技术、基因编辑技术、增材制造技术和 GPS 技术这四种典型颠覆性技术开展案例分析。[ 局限 ] 在案例选取、概念编码、译码归纳与分析方面还有一定的局限。[ 结果 / 结论 ]从“技术—市场成熟度”视角将颠覆性技术分为双成式颠覆性技术、双新式颠覆性技术、传统式颠覆性技术和新应用式颠覆性技术四类。发现不同类别的颠覆性技术特征是差异化的,双成式颠覆性技术有较强的跨领域技术融合能力,双新式颠覆性技术主要来自于重大的科技突破,新应用式颠覆性技术影响力较大,传统式的颠覆性技术基数大,进而提出了政府和企业对颠覆性技术创新发展的支持方案与措施。
      [Objective/Significance] In order to find out the characteristics of disruptive technologies from the perspective of technology-market maturity, the research and management of disruptive technologies were carried out from a new perspective, and suggestions were made for the government to support different types of disruptive technologies. [Methods/Process] Subversive technologies were classified according to technology maturity-market maturity tools, and based on grounded theory, four typical subversive technologies, namely Internet technology, gene editing technology, additive manufacturing technology and GPS technology, were selected for case analysis. [Limitations] There are still some limitations in case selection, concept coding, decoding induction and analysis. [Results Conclusions] From the perspective of "technology-market maturity", disruptive technologies can be divided into four categories: dual-type disruptive technologies, dual-new-type disruptive technologies, traditional disruptive technologies and new applied disruptive technologies. It is found that the characteristics of different types of disruptive technologies are different. Dual generation disruptive technologies have strong cross-domain technology integration ability. Dual-new disruptive technologies mainly come from major scientific and technological breakthroughs. New applied disruptive technologies have greater influence and traditional disruptive technologies have a large base. Furthermore, the support schemes and measures of the government and enterprises for the development of subversive technological innovation are put forward.
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