Research on Influencing Factors and Optimization Strategy of the Construction and Service of ICH Smart Data Resources Based on Grounded Theory
中文关键词: 非物质文化遗产;智慧数据;资源建设与服务;影响因素;扎根理论
英文关键词: Intangible cultural heritage; smart data; resource construction and service; influencing factors; grounded theory
基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目“5G 环境下中国智慧知识服务体系构建研究”(22BTQ017)。
王琦 南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023 
朱学芳 南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023 
摘要点击次数: 873
全文下载次数: 906
      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 文章旨在揭示非物质文化遗产智慧数据资源建设与服务的影响因素,并基于影响因素提出相应的优化策略,以促进我国非遗文化的可持续化发展。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 基于扎根理论分析方法,借助质性分析软件 Nvivo 11,对搜集的相关核心文献和资料进行开放式编码、主轴编码和选择性编码,并进行理论饱和度检验。[ 结果 / 结论 ]最终得出 53 个初始概念,归纳得出 20 个范畴以及对应的主体因素、制度因素、技术因素、设施因素和用户因素 5 个主范畴,即非遗智慧数据资源建设与服务的影响因素的 5 个维度。在此基础上构建了非遗智慧数据资源建设与服务的影响因素模型,并提出促进主体协作、强化制度保障、利用技术赋能、推动设施完善、关注用户需求五项优化策略。
      [Objective/Significance] This paper aims to reveal the influencing factors of the construction and service of smart data resources of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and propose corresponding optimization strategies based on the influencing factors to promote the sustainable development of China’s ICH culture. [Methods/Processes] Based on the grounded theory, the collected relevant core literature and materials were open coded, spindle coded and selectively coded with the help of qualitative analysis software Nvivo 11, and tested for theoretical saturation. [Results/Conclusions] Finally, 53 initial concepts are derived, and 20 categories and the corresponding 5 main categories of subject factors, institutional factors, technical factors, facility factors and user factors are summarized, which are the 5 dimensions of the factors influencing the construction and service of ICH smart data resources. On this basis, the model of influencing factors of the construction and service of ICH smart data resources is constructed, and five optimization strategies are proposed: facilitating subject collaboration, strengthening system protection, using technology to empower, improving facilities, and paying attention to user needs.
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