Research on the Influencing Factors of Health Information Acquisition of the Elderly from the Perspective of Information Encounter
中文关键词: 健康信息获取行为;影响因素;老年人;扎根理论
英文关键词: Health Information Acquisition Behavior; Influencing Factors; Senior Citizen; Grounded Theory
李芊晨 湘潭大学公共管理学院 湘潭 411105 
王丙炎 湘潭大学公共管理学院 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 149
全文下载次数: 108
      [Objective/Significance] The aging of the population in China, the pension and health problems of the elderly are more and more concerned by the government and society. Access to health information for the elderly can improve their health literacy and quality of life, promote healthy elderly care. [Methods/Processes] Based on the grounded theory method, the health information acquisition experience of 30 elderly people was collected through semi-structured interviews, and the factors affecting the health information acquisition behavior of the elderly were summarized and analyzed by open coding, spindle coding and selective coding. [Results/Conclusions] The results showed that the health information acquisition behavior of the elderly was affected by environmental factors, psychological factors, ability factors, media factors, perception factors and information factors. Among them, the perceptual factors play a direct role, and the other factors play an indirect role. On this basis, the health information acquisition strategy and service mode of the elderly can be further optimized.
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