王磊,李倩倩.山东省十七地市科技绩效的 DEA 模型研究[J].情报工程,2017,3(2):085-092
山东省十七地市科技绩效的 DEA 模型研究
research on the DEa Model of science andtechnology Performance of seventeen cities inshandong Province
中文关键词: DEA,科技绩效,投入冗余
英文关键词: DEA, science and technology performance, input redundancy
王磊 济南市科学技术信息研究所 
李倩倩 青岛大学 
摘要点击次数: 3044
全文下载次数: 2829
      设计选取一级指标 2 个,二级指标 4 个,三级指标 9 个的科技绩效评价指标体系。其中三级 指标包括 4 个科技投入指标“科技活动人员”、“R&D 人员全时当量”、“R&D 经费投入”、“地 方财政科技支出”,5 个科技产出指标“发明专利授权量”、“科技论文”、“国家或行业标准数”、“技 术合同交易额”“高新技术产业总产值”。采集山东省十七地市 2014 年度科技数据,运用 DEA 模型 分析科技绩效情况,分析投入冗余、产出不足等问题,在此基础上,提出提升科技绩效的建议。
      In this paper, we design ascientific and technological performance evaluation indicators system, includingtwo first-level indicators, four second-level indicators and nine third-level indicators. The third-level indicators included four scientific and technological inputs index: “personnel in scientific and technological activities”, “R & D personnel full time equivalent”, “R & D funds input”, “local fiscal expenditure for Science and Technology”, five scientific outputsindices: “invention patent authorization quantity”, “science and technology paper”, “national standard or industry standard number”, “technology contract transaction volume”, and “high-tech industry output value”. This studycollectedthe data of science and technology in the seventeen cities of Shandong province in year 2014, then analyzedthe performances of science and technology based on DEA model, and also analyzedthe problems of input redundancy and output deficiency. Finally, this study put forward suggestions to improve the performances of science and technology in the study area.
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