任媛媛.基于SWOT 方法的安徽特色科技创新智库建设分析[J].情报工程,2018,4(2):112-119
基于SWOT 方法的安徽特色科技创新智库建设分析
Analysis the Construction of Science and Technology Innovation Think Tank in Anhui Based on SWOT Method
中文关键词: 科技创新;智库建设;SWOT 方法
英文关键词: Scientific and technological innovation; think tank construction; SWOT method
任媛媛 安徽省科学技术情报研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2848
全文下载次数: 1872
      科技创新智库为政府部门及机构科学决策提供咨询服务,在国家科技事业发展中具有重要作用。研究通过采用SWOT 方法总结了安徽省科技创新智库建设的机构基础及人才优势,指出了科技创新智库建设存在领头智库缺失、智库资源分散等不足。同时,研究分析了新科技革命、知识经济竞争、实施创新战略、实施科学决策以及推进战略平台给科技创新智库建设带来的机遇。最后,本文指出了安徽省科技创新智库建设面临着影响力和竞争力的挑战。
      The scientific and technological innovation think tank provides consulting services for government departments and institutions in scientific decision-making, and also plays an important role in the development of national science and technology. The study summarized the institutional basis and talent advantages of Anhui’s scientific and technological innovation think tank construction through adopting the SWOT method, and also pointed out the shortage of scientific and technological innovation think tank construction such as lack of the leading think-tank, such as the lack of leading think tank,the dispersal of the resources of think tank. Moreover, this study also analyzed the new opportunities bought from the new technological revolution, knowledge economy competition, implementing innovation strategy, implementing scientific decisions, promote strategic platform to the construction of scientific and technological innovation think tank. Finally, this paper pointed out that the construction of the scientific and technological innovation think tank in Anhui Province is facing the challenge of influence and competitiveness.
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