任孝平,杨云,周小林,张志辉,岳卫平.2006—2015 年国内科研机构国际合作现状研究[J].情报工程,2019,5(4):070-078
2006—2015 年国内科研机构国际合作现状研究
Research on International Collaboration Status of Domestic Scientific Research Institutes between 2006—2015
中文关键词: 科研机构;国际科研合作规模;合作活跃度;合作质量;成果质量
英文关键词: Scientific research institution; scale of international scientific research collaboration; activity of scientific collaboration; quality of collaboration; quality of collaboration achievements
基金项目:中国科学院国际合作战略研究课题“ 国际合作助力中科院重大成果产出的路径、机制与模式研究”(zgkxy201808201907)
任孝平 科技部科技评估中心 国际部 
杨云 科技部科技评估中心 国际部 
周小林 科技部科技评估中心 国际部 
张志辉 同方知网(北京)技术有限公司 
岳卫平 科睿唯安 
摘要点击次数: 2281
全文下载次数: 2976
      基于2006—2015 年十年间Web of Science 收录的中国国际合作论文数据,研究分析了国内科研机构国际合作现状。结合测度指标及其量化数据,分析了当前国内主要科研机构的国际科研合作网络关系、合作规模、活跃度以及合作质量。本文揭示了国内开展国际科研合作最为活跃的机构、与中国的合作更为紧密国际科研机构,以及机构间合作规模最大的学科等现状,并进一步对开展针对性的国际合作,优化学科布局等提出了对策建议。
      Based on the Web of Science (WoS) publications published by Chinese research Institutes between 2006 and 2015, international collaboration status of domestic research Institutes was presented in this paper. With the indicators and publications data, the international scientific research collaboration network, collaboration scale, collaboration activity, collaboration quality as well as quality of collaboration achievements of major domestic Institutes were analyzed. The results shows that the most active domestic collaboration research Institutes, the foreign research Institutes with closest relationship with China, and the fields that have the largest collaboration scale among Institutes. Then, the policy recommendations on develop more targeted international collaboration, and optimize collaboration l ayout on research fields are given.
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