祖丽胡玛尔·艾孜则,阿孜古力·吾司曼,哈斯也提·牙森.新疆医学领域科研绩效评估及其发展趋势—— 基于InCites 数据库和专利分析[J].情报工程,2017,3(4):112-122
新疆医学领域科研绩效评估及其发展趋势—— 基于InCites 数据库和专利分析
Evaluation of Medicine Scientific Performance in Xinjiang and its Development Trend——Based on Incites Database and PatentA nalysis
中文关键词: 新疆,医学,科研绩效,评估,发展趋势
英文关键词: Xinjiang, medicine, scientific research performance, assess, development trend
基金项目:本文受新疆医科大学人文社会科学基金项目“ 高校图书馆基于科技查新开展专利服务的S W O T 分析” ( 编号:2015XYDSK37)的资助。
祖丽胡玛尔·艾孜则 新疆医科大学图书馆 
阿孜古力·吾司曼 新疆医科大学图书馆 
哈斯也提·牙森 新疆医科大学图书馆 
摘要点击次数: 2981
全文下载次数: 2038
      对新疆医学领域的科研绩效及其发展趋势进行定量分析,从而对新疆医学领域的发展趋势提供数据支持。方法:以InCites 数据库和专利服务系统为数据来源,根据数据形成一系列的图标信息。结果:首先,新疆医学领域科研论文产出量为1859 篇,其中2010 的增长幅度较大,增长率为96.83%,心血管系统和心脏学发文量排名第一,发文量为327 篇,依次为研究与实验医学、肿瘤学、药理学和药剂学、周围血管疾病等,而热带医学虽然发文量排名第10,但引文影响力最高,为7.00,接近于全球水平;其次,专利申请量为1826,其中实用新型专利的增长率相对较快,申请人以中新疆医科大学的最多,申请专利的技术领域以医用、牙科用或梳妆用的配制品类和诊断、外科为主。结论:新疆医学领域的总体科研产出量呈上升趋势,在进一步的科研工作中需要提高论文产出的质量,在合理应用资助机构所资助的基金的同时鼓励热带医学等具有发展潜力的学科提高论文产出量,并重视所申请专利的有效率,从而进一步加快新疆医学领域科研能力的提高。
      This paper aims to make a quantitative analysis on the scientific research performance and its development of the medical field in Xinjiang, so as to provide a data support for the development trend about the medical field in Xinjiang. This research took InCites database and patent service system as data source, then formed a series of icons according to the data. Firstly, the analysis results indicated that the research paper output of medical field in Xinjiang is 1859 approximately. The research papers grew at a significantly faster pace in 2010, with a growth of 96.83%. The published paper quantity of Cardiac & Cardiovascular system ranked first, with a number of 327, followed by Medicine, Research & Experimental, oncology, pharmacology & pharmacy, Peripheral Vascular Disease, etc. Though the paper quantity of Tropical Medicine ranked No.10, its impact factor is the highest, with a proportion to 7.00, which close to the world standard. Second, the quantity of patent application is 1826, the growth of utility model patent is relatively faster, and most of the applicants are from Xinjiang Medical University. The patented technology are mainly on preparations for medical, dental, and makeup, or on diagnosis and surgery. The output of scientific research paper of medical domain in Xinjiang is rising, which suggest that we should improve the quality of the papers in further research. While use the fund provided by funding agencies reasonably, we should also encourage the subjects with development potential to improve the paper output, such as tropical medicine. Furthermore, we should put emphasis on the efficiency of patents, so as to further speed up the scientific research ability of medical domain in Xinjiang.
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