Quantitative Empirical Evidence of the Association Between Selection Guidelines and the Impact of Academic Journals Based on Synthetic Control Methods
中文关键词: 选题指南;合成控制法;学术期刊;期刊影响力
英文关键词: Selection guidelines; synthetic control methods; academic journals; journal impact
王晓慧 辽宁师范大学政府管理学院 大连 116029 
韩蓓蓓 辽宁师范大学政府管理学院 大连 116029 
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      [ 目的 / 意义 ] 选题策划是影响学术期刊质量的重要因素,发布选题指南是学术期刊为提高选题策划透明度、明确征稿范围和提高来稿质量所采取的一项重要措施。对选题指南与学术期刊影响力之间的关联进行量化研究不仅可以对选题指南的制定和发布提供参考,也能为期刊提升选题策划质量提供借鉴。[ 方法 / 过程 ] 选取发布过选题指南的期刊作为实验对象,选题指南可被视为期刊加强自身建设的一种政策干预,利用合成控制法来研究其发布后的效果;使用Stata 软件分别对核心期刊和非核心期刊发布选题指南前后期刊的复合影响因子的变化进行量化分析,并进行有效性和稳健性检验。[ 结果 / 结论 ] 研究发现选题指南与期刊影响力具有一定关联,且高质量的选题指南在一定程度上能够提高学术期刊的学术影响力。
      [Objective/Significance] Topic planning is an important factor affecting the quality of academic journals, and the publication of topic guidelines is an important measure taken by academic journals to improve the transparency of topic planning and clarify the scope of the call for papers and improve the quality of submissions. Quantitative study of the correlation between topic guidelines and the impact of academic journals will not only provide a reference for the formulation and publication of topic guidelines, but also provide a reference for journals to improve the quality of their topic planning. [Methods/Processes] Journals that have published selection guidelines, which can be regarded as a policy intervention for journals to strengthen themselves, were selected as the subjects of the experiment. Synthetic control method was used to study their effects after publication, and the changes in the compound impact factors of journals before and after the publication of selection guidelines for core and non-core journals were quantified and tested for validity and robustness using Stata software, respectively. [Results/Conclusions] The study found that there is a correlation between topic guidelines and journal impact, and that high-quality topic guidelines could, to a certain extent, increase the academic impact of academic journals.
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